If you find yourself with dry and greasy hair, it didn’t just happen overnight. Years of styling, heat exposure, and blow drying will take a toll on your precious locks. The damage inflicted over time will one day make itself known to you – but while it seems shocking at first, the good news is that it’s completely possible to manage damaged hair.
However, the appearance of both dry and greasy hair can take you by surprise. After all, both are opposite types… right? Right.
Just like combination skin, some women end up with combination hair. Aside from styling, other potential causes of combination hair include using the wrong hair products, genetics, hormonal imbalances, and lack of sufficient cleaning.
Here’s what you can do...
Brush regularly:
Hyperactive sebum production might seem like a nuisance, but you can actually make it work in your favor. By brushing your hair religiously twice a day using a gentle boar’s hair brush, this helps evenly distribute the oils throughout all of your strands. Do this in the morning after washing, and before you go to sleep at night.
[Recommended: How Excess Sebum Affects Hair Loss]
Minimize heat exposure:
Too many women have become dependent on heat styling. After all, it is absolutely convenient to whip out a blow dryer or curling iron for just a few minutes each morning in order to make you look picture-perfect. Over time, the heat will cause breakage and dryness in your hair. Also, keep in mind that long, hot showers should be considered a luxury, not a necessity. Daily hot showers will increase sebum production, resulting in an oily appearance.
Wash smart:
Wash your hair at least once a day using nourishing shampoo. It’s always best to use natural shampoos and conditioners that are formulated with healthy hair-growth ingredients to give your locks deep nourishment from root to tip. Regular drugstore-brand shampoos and conditioners are filled with nasty chemicals that only add to the dryness and greasiness of your hair. While showering, use this time to gently massage the product into your scalp and take your time when you can. Conditioners should be applied to the ends of your hair.
Go easy on the oils:
Head massages and similar treatments are no doubt delightful, but they introduce unnecessary amounts of thick oils that will only lead to you overcompensating on it. After a head massage, shampoos will remove the oil, but will then cause your scalp to create more oil, resulting in a vicious cycle. If you must, use a natural hair serum made with natural and gentle ingredients; these make for excellent yet light alternatives for head spas.
Avoid running your fingers through your hair:
Many of us are guilty of unconsciously touching our hair too much; either running our fingers through it, or playing with it. Our fingertips also contain small amounts of oil, and touching hair means that you’re only transferring more oil to your locks.
Combination hair can be tricky to manage, but not impossible. Follow our tips and you’ll be well on your way to manageable, good hair days!
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